... BLOG.
How often should one post? I believe the answer should be: when there is something earth-shattering to report. Well, nothing earth-shattering, for me, today. I guess that is OK, since it can go both ways: earth-shattering-good and also earth-shattering-bad.
I'm well into my new novel. I've been thinking about having a map inside. Any thoughts? Do you ever look at maps in novels you read? I, personally, look at them fleetingly, and never as a tourist, wanting to find his/her way around. I like to envision the area myself, while reading the book, so the proffered map is sometimes a let-down. I occasionally cast a glance at the maps when I've already finished reading the book.
My novel is nowhere near completion, so I have more than enough time to fight this out with myself. A word of advice would be of help. Do you like/look at maps, or are they simply pictures that brighten up a book?

B is also for Book.